Comments on the University Corridor Cycle Lanes

On Thursday 31 July, JUCA sent its comments on the University Corridor Cycle Lanes project to the City of Johannesburg. The feedback was based on riding the trial sections. Importantly it  also reflected concerns expressed by members of the cycling community. The content covered not only design issues but also included education, enforcement, monitoring and ongoing maintenance.

Map of University Corridor Cycle Lanes
Map of University Corridor Cycle Lanes

We congratulated the City of Johannesburg on the project welcoming the overall design orientation. The trial sections we have seen reflect in part comments provided by us and Cycle Wits at the end of 2013. This shows a willingness to listen. We welcome this and look forward to enhanced collaboration.

In the next phases of the project roll-out, we called for;

  • High bollards or plastic cones where cyclists are not protected by parallel parked vehicles
  • Greater design attention at intersections which present most potential for conflicts
  • Education campaigns to increase awareness about the lanes and activate use
  • A mix of carrot and stick approaches in preventing vehicles from obstructing lanes
  • Insight into the monitoring and maintenance plans

We understand that construction for the next phases is due to start next week so we look forward to seeing our feedback incorporated.