On the 12th of May 2014, JUCA members attended the Cycle Jozi Forum. This meeting is held every two months so that interested individuals and organisations can share information and coordinate actions on promoting commuter cycling in Johannesburg.
During this meeting a presentation was delivered by a representative from the City of Johannesburg’s Transportation Department. JUCA was very pleased to note that thanks to the leadership of the Mayor of Johannesburg – Mpho Parks Tau – four cycling lanes and JUCA’s wayfinding project are fully financed and in development. The first lane is due to be complete next month – June 2014. You can read more about the City of Johannesburg’s commitments here: Cycle lane projects progress may 14-1
The cycling lanes will traverse many corners of the City including Orange Farm, the “corridor” between the University of Johannesburg and University of Witwatersrand, Ivory Park, and Soweto. Preliminary designs suggest that these will be high quality routes which will offer cyclists safer riding experiences. JUCA calls on the City to ensure that where these planned cycle routes travel on or cross busy roadways, they are protected. Ideally the cycle lanes should be physically protected from vehicles to offer the calmest riding experience to all users – children, students, pensioners, fast paced business executives… everyone!
The JUCA wayfinding project is a physical manifestation of the JUCA map of routes that experienced commuter cyclists have identified as being as safe as possible. These are routes that do not necessarily need protected bicycling facilities since they feature low traffic volumes or are already traffic calmed via speed bumps and other measures. In some other cases however, the routes will need additional street redesign solutions to make them safer for cyclists. The JUCA route map consists of about 120 kilometers. The network links high density, lower-income residential areas to economic hubs, student residence areas to university campuses, residential areas to parks.
These routes will be made visible by signs noting direction and distance posted on the side of streets at regular intervals. Cyclists will be able to move quickly and reliably along a route without wasting time getting lost, stopping to read a map, or asking for directions. Furthermore motorists will be aware that cyclists will be traveling on these routes and will therefore need to pay more attention.
This is fantastic progress and we would like to applaud the City of Johannesburg for the work done so far. We look forward to seeing all of these plans realised.