JUCA wants you!

JUCA is looking for volunteers – both individuals and organisations – to partner with on a few projects. We are currently a voluntary association relying on the time and resources of willing participants. We have achieved some great things. However, we can do even more together with you! We have a number of exciting projects where we need assistance.

Jozi bike kitchen

We are building a community bicycle space from where existing and potential bicycle users can congregate, learn and support another. A physical space to grow a cycling our community. We need help setting it up and volunteering at the space.

Re-imagining bicycling in Johannesburg

Help us break myths about commuter cycling in Johannesburg. You can do so by writing articles or creating multimedia for publication on our website and distribution on social media or hosting cycling events such as ‘cycle to work’ days.

Bicycle commuter map

Help us digitise the current bicycle map and grow the number of routes.

Volunteers are welcome to offer us as much or as little time to these projects, it’s just about getting involved and building a greater cycling community. If you are interested send an email to contact@juca.org.za



Call for Bike-Train Leaders for Ride2Work Day


JUCA is calling for experienced commuter cyclists to lead Bike-Trains on Ride2Work Day – 22 April 2015.

The Bike-Train leaders will ferry a convoy of cyclists from their neighbourhood to the area in which they work.

The idea is simple:
1. Identify a street intersection or landmark from where to start the Bike-Train.

2. Indicate a time where people can meet you. We suggest 8am but this is up to the Bike-Train Leader.

3. Identify a convenient and comfortable route for novice riders. We suggest routes contained in the Johannesburg Commuter Bicycle Map. However there may be other more suitable routes.

4. Get in touch with us contact@juca.org.za with the above information.

We will publicize this information on the JUCA website and on the Ride2Work Day Facebook Page.

For more information on Ride2Work Day see https://www.facebook.com/groups/ride2workday/



Launch of the 2015 Johannesburg Commuter Cycling Map

The Johannesburg Urban Cyclists’ Association warmly invites all to join us in launching the first ever commuter cycling map of Johannesburg.


2015 Map Launch Invitation

The map shows safer, quieter and least hilly cycling routes through the City. The map also contains the new bicycle lanes built by the City of Johannesburg, as well as those that will be built over the next year. It connects sites of interest, such as public swimming pools, educational institutions, markets and parks, and key public transport nodes (such as train stations).

The launch of the commuter map is a significant achievement and testimony to the power of partnership. First conceived of by JUCA, the 100 kilometres of routes on the map were voluntarily tested by a number of experienced commuters who gave of their time and energy to test-ride all of routes. We extend our thanks to them.

The production and printing of the map was made possible by sponsors; the University of the Witwatersrand and Levi Commuter. Esri South Africa and The Content Bar provided in-kind input of mapping and design expertise respectively.

Date: 14 March 2015

Time: 1600h

Place: 300 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg (outside Whippet Cycling Company, Maboneng)

We encourage all, if possible, to arrive by bicycle.

There will be free copies of the map available. The map will also be distributed for free at tourism agencies, cycling shops, universities, public offices and elsewhere. If you would like to help us distribute the maps, get in touch: contact@juca.org.za

Johannesburg’s first ever commuter cycling map is coming soon

For some years, members of the Johannesburg Urban Cycling Association (JUCA) have been developing a commuter cycling map of Johannesburg. The map has been developed in order to identify and showcase convenient cycle routes across the city that connect major commercial, residential, recreational and education hubs.

This version of the map identifies routes that offer calm travel experiences to the extent possible in the absence of a dedicated network of physically protected cycling lanes. The routes are often traffic calmed because they have reduced vehicle speeds which are maintained by speed bumps, have limited vehicle volumes, and are wide enough to allow wide passing distances.


However there are a number of sections that will need to be physically engineered in order to facilitate safe and pleasurable travel experiences for people choosing to commute on two wheels in the future. JUCA is working with the City of Johannesburg towards this objective in addition to developing the extensive network of protected cycling lanes.

In cooperation with the Mayor’s office, this map is soon to be physically signposted. Physical signposts, on the side of the road will offer an easy way-finding system. The sign-posts on the side of the road will also visibly increase motorist awareness as to the presence of cyclists on the network.

Look out for the map very soon which is currently at the printers. More information on the map including an official launch will be available on this website in the next few days.

JRA app: Use it to report road issues

Did you know that the Johannesburg Roads Agency has an app (“Find & Fix”) for smartphones (both OSx and Android) that can be used to report road maintenance issues in real time?

This is a great boon for commuter cyclists, as it means that we can report missing manhole covers, potholes, incorrect road markings, storm water flooding and other hazards to safe cycle commuting.


The (free) app can be downloaded through the usual manner onto your smartphone (through the iTunes account or the Google Play stores). Once downloaded, users need to do a once-off registration and log in, after which they will be able to report issues directly to the JRA.


JUCA encourages all commuter cyclists with smart-phones to download the app and report problematic issues to the JRA. The more commuter cyclists report road problems, the more likely they will be dealt with.

Reporting is easy – although of course it remains to be seen how swiftly and efficiently the problems are dealt with.

For more information, visit this webpage.