JUCA wants you!

JUCA is looking for volunteers – both individuals and organisations – to partner with on a few projects. We are currently a voluntary association relying on the time and resources of willing participants. We have achieved some great things. However, we can do even more together with you! We have a number of exciting projects where we need assistance.

Jozi bike kitchen

We are building a community bicycle space from where existing and potential bicycle users can congregate, learn and support another. A physical space to grow a cycling our community. We need help setting it up and volunteering at the space.

Re-imagining bicycling in Johannesburg

Help us break myths about commuter cycling in Johannesburg. You can do so by writing articles or creating multimedia for publication on our website and distribution on social media or hosting cycling events such as ‘cycle to work’ days.

Bicycle commuter map

Help us digitise the current bicycle map and grow the number of routes.

Volunteers are welcome to offer us as much or as little time to these projects, it’s just about getting involved and building a greater cycling community. If you are interested send an email to contact@juca.org.za




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On Wednesday 25 June 2014, JUCA held its Annual General Meeting.  A new Management Committee for the next year was elected. They are:

Chairperson: David Du Preez

Vice-Chairperson: Muhammed Suleman

Secretary: Njogu Morgan

Treasurer: Gilles Baro

Member: Rehana Moosajee

Member: Grant Rex

Member: Olivier Leveque

Member: Mehita Iqani

We are all committed to working with public and private organisations to further the interests of commuter cycling in Johannesburg. Please feel free to contact us should you have any suggestions or ideas to contribute.